Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Review of the Fall of Arthur by J. R. R. Tolkien

Some weeks ago I finished this work from Tolkien that was published just a few years ago. It is a tragedy very akin to other Arthurian stories that I am familiar with. I thought it was a very well written work.
 Of course Tolkien is one of my favorite writers. He had such an excellent knowledge of English Literature. He was also a devout Roman Catholic but I am not here to post about him personally as I have done that on another blog. 
 I have read The Hobbit and the Children of Hurin by Tolkien, as well as The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. I am making my way through the Return of the ing currently.
 That said, I have Tolkien's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Orfeo, and Sir Peal to read. I am excited to get to those.
 Finally, The Fall of Arthur is an underrated work by Tolkien. Reading of Mordred split the kingdom apart by his rebellion on one hand, while Lancelot and Guinevere continue their affair on the other is all so stressful for the great King Arthur. Sadly, this work was never finished which makes it a short read.

''Do not avenge yourselves, beloved; allow retribution to run it's course; so we read in scripture, Vengence is for me, I will repay, says the Lord. -Romans 12: 19. 


  1. Wow, I didn't know you finished! That's amazing! I am not familiar with this one at all (except for what is on this post...) but it looks so good! Definitely up "your alley" of interests :) It's very "YOU"! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing Joshua. You and I have talked often about King Arthur and his relation to us(well...just maybe). It is a very interesting discussion and a great story! Once again I have enjoyed what you have shared!
