Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Books that I have Read from Early Modern/Renaissance Literature

Books of literature: Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Henry V by William Shakespeare, Richard III by William Shakespeare, Macebeth by William Shakespeare, Julies Caesar by William Shakespeare, Othello by William Shakespeare, King John by William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, Richard II by William Shakespeare, The Divine Comedy by Dante. I have yet to finish A Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet

Books of Religion: On War Against the Turk by Martin Luther, The Ninety-Five Thesis by Martin Luther, The Douay Catechism, Cum ex Apostolatus Officio by Pope Pius V, The Westminster Standards. I have yet to finish The Book of Common Prayer

Although I'm more read in Medieval literature and history than that of the Early Modern and Renaissance periods, some knowledge of Early Modern literature is helpful for medievalists. As a big Shakespeare fan, I also believe that this era produced many great works of art.