Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My Future Career Plans

So, I am currently an English Education major from Liberty University. Most of you who know me well know that I love English Literature. No surprise, as I am novelist, and an aspiring English secondary teacher. While I love English Literature however, I also love Latin Literature. I would like to be an English and/or Latin teacher. Unfortunately, my university does not currently provide a Classics degree, though I wish it did. 

I have great compassion for English writers including Chaucer, the Pearl poet and Shakespeare, but I also love Latin writers such as Virgil, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine of Hippo, Francis of Assisi and Dante Alighieri. Further, Bede the Venerable, as well as many English and French writers that I am fond of, also wrote in Latin. Further, English Literature derives largely from Latin and Old French Literature, that I also esteem. 

I took two years of Latin in high school and am proud of that. For some it is a dead language, but for others, it is a golden memory of a long held past of distant memory. While much of my Latin I have currently forgotten, I intend to learn it again. 

While Latin is an interest of mine, so is French. My love for French history and literature is basically on par with my love for English history and literature. Both countries have greatly contributed to western culture and to the United States of America, where I live. Many accounts of the Crusades were written in Old French and Latin, as were many Medieval tales and legends. I ultimately love the literature  written in the English, French and Latin languages. 

Many English writers over the years have been influenced by Latin and French Literature. Often by studying the works of  Julius Caesar and Marcus Aurelius or that of Chretien de Troyes, it can help us better understand English Literature.   

Once I get my English Education degree, I would like to be either a public or private school teacher. On the side, I would like to start a cottage school for homeschoolers in Knoxville after completion of my degree. I also plan on doing a double major now in English Education and history, as both subjects I love to study. I am hoping Liberty University adds HIEU 360, which is a course on the history of the Middle Ages, to their online programs soon as I would love to take it. 

Please keep me in your prayers, not just for my education and future careers, but also my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, that is about it for now! I hope all are well! Blessings, Josh


  1. I love this post! I am proud of my English major son! I love the idea about the cottage for homeschoolers also!

  2. I feel the same way about French and English literature. Dumas, Leroux, and Hugo are among my literary loves <3. Also I think you would do an awesome job here in Knoxville! The classical ideas seems to be waning and need to be revived from a Christian perspective.


  3. I feel the same way about French and English literature. Dumas, Leroux, and Hugo are among my literary loves <3. Also I think you would do an awesome job here in Knoxville! The classical ideas seems to be waning and need to be revived from a Christian perspective.


  4. " For some it is a dead language, but for others, it is a golden memory of a long held past of distant memory" that's a beautiful statement! You are a young man with an old, wise soul and that is THE BEST combination. I love it...I love your appreciation for things long-past and your desire for keeping them alive. Great post! Great aspirations! Proud of you and excited to watch you grow even more and see these dreams come to fruition :)
