Monday, August 30, 2021

The Best Editions of The Canterbury Tales

 For those of you interested in reading The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, I greatly recommend the following versions of this classic work of Medieval literature: 

The No Fear: Canterbury Tales does a great job at breaking down the Middle English text and explaining it in modern English to those otherwise unfamiliar with Middle English. This is good for any beginner not yet grounded in an understanding of either Middle English or Chaucer's works. 

  This edition from Barnes and Noble includes almost all of The Canterbury Tales. It has a modern English translation for each line of the Middle English text. What also makes this version great, however, are the many scholarly notes within this copy on The Canterbury Tales

This edition of The Canterbury Tales by Books-A-Million is one of the few that I am aware of that includes all of the stories. This edition is a good choice for those familiar with Middle English. 

The Riverside Chaucer includes not only The Canterbury Tales but all the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. This is the best work of Chaucer for any student or teacher of English literature that I have ever seen. 


  1. TY for reviewing the advantages of these copies. I love you, Sir Joshua!


  2. Joshua, you are so helpful :). I love how you so admire Chaucer, too. I would have never known much about him had it not been for you---not much outside of Heath Ledger's A Knight's Tale, haha ;)! Whitney

  3. The books a million edition is the prettiest... so pretty! But in my opinion, all editions should have Emily on the very front :)

  4. Thanks for giving these reviews. I would probably prefer the NO FEAR since you said it is an easier read for those who would have a hard time understanding Middle English. I say this because I have a hard time understanding NEW ENGLISH. HAHA
