Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Review of Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

 The Knight's tale is the longest tale of Canterbury Tales, and chronologically the first. It is told at the inn in Canterbury by a knight who has returned from the Crusades. The story is actually set before Medieval Times though, in Ancient Greece.  As I have just finished reading it, I want to offer just a brief overview of it, as well as my my review of it.
 The story centers around two knights that are in prison during the early stages of the log poem. While there they come to be madly love in woman with the same woman: Emily.  Palamon and Arcite are desperately in love with Princess Emily, and despite their long friendship became rivals for her love. Palamon who had to come to love her first, is ultimately betrayed by his friend Arcite, who becomes drastically in obsession with Emily to the point that he looks old and sick. Arcite come to the point of wishing he would die rather than lose his love.  From this point on, many other things happen that I won't mention in detail here, but the two are eventually brought before a tournament of fighting each other. In the end fate chooses destiny and vengeance, and the knight who actually wins, the battle: Arcite, is brought to his tragic death by an earthquake.
 Some years pass, and Palamon marries Emily.
 All in all, the story has some great morale lessons, including the oaths people make to each other that they don't always keep, and the consequences which follow such actions.  Ultimately, Arcite was driven mad, and eventually to his death after breaking his promise to Palamon, to not let anything come between them.
 I hope you enjoyed my review, and more importantly I hope you check the story out!

Emily sitting, as she is adored by the eyes of Palamon and Arcite. 

''Greater love, has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends.'' 
 -John 15: 13


  1. Technically, this is called a love triangle. I would not want to be in one personally. Sounds like a really interesting love story though. What a great story and after all of course she’s a redhead that makes it even better.

    1. Thank you, and glad you enjoyed!
      Ha-Ha to your redhead comment!

  2. I had not heard of this story until then...thank you...fascinating!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Feel free to check out my other posts!

  3. I love the story of knights coming back after the crusade. So much chivalry! This story may be even better than the one by Chaucer that I read! It is sad that Arcite was so obsessed that he became sick. But then again, she was, as you said, a REDHEAD!!!!!!!!! .lol

    1. Glad you thought it was interesting! You definitely need to check the story out.

  4. Wow, very interesting. I would like to read this one!!
