Friday, February 15, 2019

Medieval vrs. Modern Art

Aren't you glad that modern man is much more advanced than those of the past? After all, artwork shows a lot about a people. Medieval and Renaissance Times only had Dante, Chaucer, Sir Thomas Malroy, and Shakespeare for writers, and Leonardo di Venci and Raphael and Michelangelo for painters/ sculptors. We have so much more than the ignorant Medieval man! I mean look at Medieval art compared to that of the Modern sophisticated age.

              My, the wisdom of Charles Darwin! Man truly has come out of his apelike past, has he not?
 Yes, I am being sarcastic. How arrogant can modern man be to think he is beyond such wisdom of many in the past?
 It's interesting to note how many believed the 20th century would be a sort of utopia for the world, and in this century, man would fizzle out from his ''barbaric'' past. The Truth for the matter is, more people died from wars in the 20th century than all the rest combined. So much for a Utopia...
 Yes, I am getting off topic. Point is, Modernism is not nearly as progressive as it's adherents like to pretend. True advancement, socially, and doctrinely can only come about for man by the influence of the Holy Bible.
 The Renaissance was not ushered by secularism, as many would wish to believe, but rather to learn wisdom from the past that had been lost, particularity as concerns the Greek language and the arts. At the same time, the Renaissance was actually inspired by the Crusades, because the Crusaders brought back knowledge of the east, and of the ancient Greeks that had been lost, to the Western World. I have written a poem to end today's post:

 ''Poor, poor, modern man, how I pity you so,
 You think you are so wise when you are so dumb,
 there is much about life you simply do not know,
 You think, far beyond your evolutionary evolving that you to progression have finally now come,
 But oh modern man, how foolish, foolish,  so very foolish are you,
 As your very tongue mocks the Words of Holy Scripture,  hell's gates open for your very soul,
 You reject God, Salvation, and all that is true,
 Unless you should repent, the devils will make merry as hell's flames will soon burn you whole!

 Proverbs 9: 8 ''Rebuke not a scorner lest he hate thee. Rebuke a wise man and he will love thee. ''


  1. Oh yeah, love your take. The contrast of the paintings makes a sharp point.

  2. Excellent thought on today’s wonder Art! Now i’m being sarcastic which I never am! True, true!! Love the poem love the proverb even more!

  3. How often you and I have talked about this! Man has became so puffed up in his "wisdom" that he is a fool! Modern man has played right into Satan's hand by thinking to highly of himself and not highly enough of God. The painting are amazingly different....what a difference. So much thought seemed to go into the Medieval painting and yet it seems like no though at all went into the modern painting. I guess this goes with the point that you made and made extremely well and very interesting. Thanks for another great article Joshua. I truly, truly enjoy all of your amazing writings!

  4. Being a lover of Architecture and Art, I think of the contrast between Classic and Modern constantly. The "Modern" stuff is hideous, I have to say; and so this is why I lean to the old! You are so right! Modern man in his arrogance has tried to go it alone without God, and he has taken God out of his Architecture and Art, therefore, we have lost a lot of beauty and truth in both. I also think about the fact that family and friends have taken God out of of their lives; many of them are without beauty, comfort, or direction. We have lost a lot for the sake of "progress." You've covered a major theme and problem in our modern society quite well! Well-written and creative!

    1. Oh thanks Ben, so glad you enjoyed!
      When civilization goes away from God it is headed to it's own destruction.

  5. I agree completely...the truth seems pretty obvious on contrast of the works. This was my favorite thought of yours:

    "True advancement, socially, and doctrinely can only come about for man by the influence of the Holy Bible."

    There is beauty in truth and truth is beautiful. Structure and order available only in Christianity allows for structure order and consequent beauty in art and culture. Good thoughts, Joshua!

  6. Wow, very well-written post! I love the sense of humor you included in your point. I love art! I love artistic are so correct about the "progression" (or, lack thereof) of man. Is it odd that I like BOTH? but I definitely appreciate the classic art more.

  7. Wow, very well-written post! I love the sense of humor you included in your point. I love art! I love artistic are so correct about the "progression" (or, lack thereof) of man. Is it odd that I like BOTH? but I definitely appreciate the classic art more.
