Monday, December 28, 2020

A Poem for Parents Whose Young Child has died

I wrote this poem to be recited or read by those that have suffered the death of an infant or young child in their household. Considering, that this is a great grievous subject, it was my intention for my work below to reflect such headache of those bruised by such hardship.  

I wish that I had seen you grow

I desired this more than you will ever know

From the cradle to the grave

I regret that you, I could not save

My heart is forever wounded

In my memory, you are always included

A great emptiness is now left inside

For you, I have longed cried

I hate our new departing

I miss you my dear darling


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! Sherry

  2. This is absolutely beautiful! Sherry

  3. Beauty is often in the midst of tragedy.....beautiful in light of eternity, but tragic in light of what we may feel we lose or the sorrow we may feel. All things are beautiful because they are by the hand of our sovereign God, even when we don't understand or when we feel loss. Still, it's bittersweet because He knows best for us.
