Friday, December 11, 2020


 Much can be learned from the character Death in Everyman. As previously seen, Death serves as an ambassador from God to Everyman (64-65) and (72-73). Death also serves as a reminder to Everyman that judgement awaits him. The success of Everyman as a beloved morality play can largely be attributed to its portrayal of Death. This one character signifies the one thing all of humanity at some point shares in common: death itself. While a play based on the theme of death may at first seem depressing, or too concerned with the earthly state, Everyman shows death as something to not be feared for the Christian (880-887). Christians after all, have full assurance that at death, they will be with their Lord Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4: 17, Hebrews 12: 13). Likewise at death, Everyman looks foreword to being with Christ (885-887).   


  1. I am so thankful that I do not have to fear death and neither do you your sisters or your mother because we will all be with Jesus Christ one day. Dad

  2. One of my favorite parts of the piece! Whitney

  3. "Death also serves as a reminder to Everyman that judgement awaits him."... a sobering reminder for us all.
