Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Poem to the Virgin Mary

I wrote this poem to the virgin Mary. Enjoy! 

Once in a humble stable
Mary, did hold the Savior in a straw cradle,
His birth came in April, *1
to save us from Satan's sickle. *2

To cleanse all from original sin
Christ was born from this blessed virgin
In Bethlehem was He born
as the shepherds did of Him adore

Mary, blessed of all maidens
was unaware that her son would be taken
on a cross He would die
for the whole world, His blood would supply

Dear lady, in all of your loveliness
you are indeed heaven's radiance
You are the greatest queen
that the angels have ever seen
All Christians desire your intercession
they honour your bodily assumption


1*-Some early Christians believed Christ was born in Spring. 

2*-Some early Christians believed that Christ died on the cross to save us from Satan.